

HomeNewsPneumatic Actuator Load Protection Measures Will Appear In The Following?

Pneumatic Actuator Load Protection Measures Will Appear In The Following?

Update time:2021.03.24       Views:80

If the pneumatic actuator is damaged, a key problem is the load. The main loads are as follows:

1. The torque limit setting system value does not stop the torque is less than the set value, so that too much torque is continuously produced, and the motor stops rotating.

2. For some reason, the torque limit body circuit malfunctions, resulting in excessive torque.

3. High ambient temperature, heat capacity of the motor down.

4: The power supply voltage is too low to obtain the required torque, and the motor stops rotating.

5. With continuous use, the heat savings generated exceeds the allowable temperature rise of the motor.

Running at a predetermined time, the motor overload situation is not the case. Pneumatic actuator load protection measures will appear in the following:

1. Use a thermal relay to protect the motor from stalling.

2. Use the thermostat to set the motor for continuous operation or the motor for overload protection.

3. Short circuit accidents can be avoided by using fuses or relays.
